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The benefits of interning abroad and how to do it

By Hannah Rafter


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Interning abroad is no doubt regarded as a luxury, something that very few undertake, usually because it’s seen as something only the wealthy or the lucky few can entertain. Understandably this is what most young individuals think when considering interning in a foreign city. During and after university, you are open to lots of opportunities to gain work experience and sometimes those opportunities can arise in countries such Belgium, Amsterdam and even further afield in New York. After speaking with peers in the industry, most said they never took the plunge of gaining experience abroad due to cost, time constraints, administrative complications, or simply being too scared or nervous to take the chance.

For those who have interned abroad, the positive feedback is compelling, they would argue it’s an not only an opportunity to explore what other cities and companies offer, but also provides the chance to demonstrate to a prospective employer your flexibility, resilience and ability to succeed in a different cultural and economic environment. It will certainly give another interesting dimension to your CV that will set you apart from other young hopefuls applying for internships and permanent roles.

I was lucky enough to intern in New York for 3 months and appreciate the great benefits of interning abroad. Yes, it was a leap of faith and at times a little scary, but ended up being a truly amazing experience.

Here are 5 reasons why you should at least consider taking the leap and stepping outside your comfort zone:

1. Experiencing and learning in a new working environment: even if you’re going to a city where they speak the same language, they will still have a different company culture and way of working for you to experience and adapt to. A great way to learn! Opening yourself up to different practices and style of working is invaluable, this will allow you to feel comfortable in any working environment when landing your first role in the industry.

2. Increasing knowledge of new companies and a new industry: the culture of the fashion industry is different from country to country and city to city. It is really important for you to get to know other companies, brands and agencies and working abroad gives you access to organisations you probably had never heard of. Working with new people in a company that is unfamiliar to you will not only give you a better understanding of the environment but will test your initiative and flexibility.

3. Contacts: your contacts in the industry at this stage are usually based on the people you currently work with or are shared through university contacts. Working in a different country and new environment will inevitably broaden your contact list. This will be a huge benefit to you throughout your career. You will also be a contact for them to have in the UK if and when you decide to return home.

4. Confidence and self-improvement: By testing yourself and opening yourself up to a new experience, you are likely to become more confident, self-aware and a overall more well-rounded person. The skills and personal achievement you will gain from stepping outside your comfort zone will only benefit you for the rest of your career. It’s important to challenge yourself at whatever stage you are in your career but such an opportunity might not come around again.

If you’ve got the itch to explore, here are some questions and actions to consider:

  • Do your homework on costs, can you afford to do this? Are there any grants or bursaries that might help with transport or living costs. Does the company pay a salary?
  • If still at university, does your university allow internships abroad?
  • Research the local companies, agencies and job websites of the country/city you are interested in. You will have to understand what scene you’re about to step into, therefore do your research!
  • Search industry job websites. What websites are hosting internships or work experience opportunities abroad? Type the city and then internships for the best results. Or reach out to interns in the city for advice and tips on how to apply for roles.
  • Focus on a company you would like to work for and the potential departments you want to gain experience in. Add those hiring managers or department managers on LinkedIn and message them directly, don’t be shy!
  • Old fashioned emailing, don’t be afraid to reach out to companies directly. Go onto their websites and find their contact information and get in touch with the HR or employability department directly.
  • Investigate any visa, travel and residency requirements.
  • What support is there for a visiting employee at the company?

I believe most young individuals like myself, who have had the opportunity to intern abroad, would not only go back and do it all over again, but would recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone thinking about taking the leap.

It’s a great experience, go for it.

By contributing guest editor Hannah Rafter, founder and Editor In Chief of The Intern 247, a website dedicated to giving real insights into the world of fashion internships. @theintern247 theintern247.com

Photo: Pexels.com
